2013년 11월 8일 금요일

명문 고등학교 오클랜드 타카푸나 그램머 스쿨

Principal´s Welcome

The history of Takapuna Grammar School is characterised by a focus on academic achievement and personal excellence. This focus continues today and underpins the future direction of the school. Takapuna Grammar School’s priority is quality teaching and learning. It is the aspiration for personal excellence that motivates the programmes offered by our school, enabling all students the opportunity to realise their potential. The commitment to academic excellence has enabled the school to realise outstanding academic performance, both nationally and internationally.

Takapuna Grammar School also offers students a wide range of co-curricular activities which are essential to developing personal skills of collegiality, competitiveness and excellence. Takapuna Grammar School is a high performer in sporting and cultural pursuits. We have a strong belief in the students’ individual capacity to extend their own experience and ability through commitment and involvement in the wide range of opportunities offered. We are recognised as a leading performer in co-curricular competitions.

Places at our school are highly sought after. Parents and students are attracted to the culture of traditional values and expectations relating to academic excellence, uniform, discipline and participation in sporting and cultural activities. It is this climate of expectation and the supportive environment which sees Takapuna Grammar School as the desirable school on Auckland’s North Shore.

Simon Lamb

Course Requirements

Year 9
The Year 9 course at Takapuna Grammar School is an exploratory course.

Compulsory Learning Areas. All students will study English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies and Technology
All students will study 1 language per year chosen from French, German, Japanese or Te Reo Maori. Some students will replace a language with additional literacy and numeracy support
All students will study Drama, Dance, Music and Visual Arts 

Year 9 Subject Booklet 2010 (pdf)
Year 9 Subject Choice 2010 (pdf)

Year 10
The Year 10 programme at Takapuna Grammar School is an exploratory course consisting of:

Compulsory Learning Areas. All students will study English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies and Enterprise Education
Optional Subjects. All students will study 2 options
Students who choose to continue studying a language may request not to take Enterprise Education as a compulsory subject 

Year 10 Subject Booklet 2009 (pdf)
Year 10 Subject Choice 2009 (pdf)

Year 11
Each Year 11 student will be expected to:

Study a course that consists of 6 subjects. Most subjects will consist of between 21 and 24 credits.
Select as part of their course English or English Alternative or English Language Support for Speakers of other Languages
Take a course of Mathematics
It is recommended that all students take at least one science subject and that that is Science or Science Alternative. It is possible to also do a maximum of 2 science subjects chosen from Biology, Chemistry Physics or Science
For accelerate students, include in their course Mathematics at Level 2 and one or two individual sciences
Year 11 Subject Booklet 2009 (pdf)
Year 11 Subject Choice 2009 (pdf)

Year 12 / 13
Each Year 12 student will be expected to:

Study a course that consists of 6 subjects. Most subjects will consist of between 21 & 24 credits.
Select as part of their course English or English Alternative or English Language Support for Speakers of other Languages.
Select a Mathematics course.
For accelerate students, take the opportunity to study Cambridge Mathematics or Level 3 Mathematics
Multi – level courses are available and are a recommended choice for a number of students.
Year 12 Subject Choice 2009 (pdf)

Each Year 13 student will be expected to:

Study a course that consists of 6 subjects. Most subjects will enable 21 - 24 credits to be gained. One of these subjects may be a Study option.
Choose subjects from the approved list if they are intending to enter university.
Multi – level courses are available and are a recommended choice for a number of students
Year 12 and 13 Subject Booklet 2009 (pdf)
Year 13 Subject Choice 2009(pdf)

Year 13 ScholarshipTakapuna Grammar School encourages students studying subjects at the Year 13 level to consider entering the Scholarship examinations. These examinations are designed so that top performing students can demonstrate excellence academically. They enable them to apply skills of critical thinking, problem solving and applying and relating knowledge – skills inherent in our teaching and learning philosophy.

Students will be asked to indicate their intention to enter scholarship later in the term and departments will be setting up a number of structures to tutor students in their subjects. 

Scholarship Powerpoint

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